Knowing God and Doing Exploits
Knowing God is the basis of all true blessings of life, here and in eternity. The bible didn’t say my people perish for lack of physical power, academic power, political power, financial power nor human expertise but for lack of knowledge.
God admonished his people to endeavour to know Him: “… Let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me.”
The different names of God such as Elohim, El Elyon, El Emet, El, Rohi, El Hannora, El Shaddai and the Jehovah titles portray the nature and power of God. Knowing the meaning of these different Names help us to know and relate to God better. As you use His revealed names in worship and prayers, you arrest His attention and He becomes greatly excited and opens His hands to bless you.
This book will enlighten you on who God is. You will learn about the significance of His Nature, Attributes and Names and how you can benefit from them. The chapters on Alone with God and doing Great Exploits will inspire you to act your faith for great achievements.
God wants His children to do great exploits and has singled you out through this knowledge and encounter to be partaker of what He is doing in this end time. You will do great exploits through application of these divine principles.